Купеческий дом Федора Даниловича Маштакова
The house of F.D. Mashtakov was recognized as an architectural monument of regional importance on December 29, 2001. Currently, there is the Novosibirsk State Art School here.
The house of the merchant Fedor Danilovich Mashtakov was built in the city of Novonikolayevsk, presumably in 1903 at the intersection of Vorontsovskaya street and Nikolayevsky Avenue (now Sverdlova street and Krasny avenue). There were several shops, including "Manufactory ladies' fashion goods" and "Tea" there on the first floor. The merchant himself and his family lived on the second floor.
The architectural solution of the building is typical for the stone structures of the city of Novonikolayevsk of the early XX century. regional interpretation of the brick style.