Manuylovsky reserve
The state biological reserve Manuylovsky established by the resolution of the Novosibirsk region administration on 18th of April 1995 is located in Bolotninsky district southward of Manuylovo village. The total area of reserve: 12 196 hectares, 66 % of which is occupied by farmland, 24%, - by forests, the rest area is other lands and shrubs.
The reserve is intended for maintaining the integrity of longstanding ecosystems, for preservation, reproduction and restoration of all animal species living in its territory, for protection of the Sokur upland typical landscapes, for conservation of the territory biodiversity and also ecological education of the population.
The landscape zone, where Manuylovsky reserve is situated, belongs to the forest steppe of the Ob river right bank. The territory of Manuylovsky reserve includes lands of forest-steppe zone that are most valuable and typical for Bolotninsky district. The uniqueness of this territory is that the dense river network and difficult terrain create favorable conditions for the species diversity of flora and fauna.
Currently flora of Manuylovsky reserve is presented by 315 species of the higher vascular plants: 23 of which are threatened with extinction and need full or partial protection. These are, first of all, a number of northern orchids included in the Red List of the Novosibirsk region.
Landscape diversity of reserve territory creates favorable conditions and for a variety of local fauna. Along with the typical forest-steppe species there you can see animals that are specific to Salair natural complex, for example, marmots, and also species that are inherent in pine forests near the Ob river and forests in the North of the region – squirrel, wood grouse.
A number of animals living in reserve are of interest as hunting-trade species. These are elk, roe deer, American mink, ermine, Siberian weasel, fox, alpine hare, badger, steppe polecat.
Six species of mammals living in Manuylovsky reserve are included in the Red List of the Novosibirsk region. These are 5 species of bats: brown long-eared bat, northern bat, parti-coloured bat, pond and water bats, as well as the representative of rodents - grey marmot.
The fauna of fishes, amphibians and reptiles in the reserve isn't rich. Moor frog, common toad, Siberian salamander, common newt, viviparous and sand lizard, grass snake and viper – here's a typical set of local herpetofauna.
Stay of 160 bird species is noted by ornithologists in the territory of reserve. More than 100 species of them nest there. Predatory birds such as honey buzzard, hen, pale and Montagu’s harriers, kestrel, merlin, red-footed falcon, hobby are of special interest. A lot of birds that you can see in Manuylovsky reserve are included in the Red List of the Novosibirsk region. These are black-throated loon, Slavonian grebe, little bittern, mute swan, greater spotted eagle, Montagu’s harrier, red-footed falcon, hooded crane, Ural owl, great grey owl, snowy owl, hoopoe, tawny pipit, great grey shrike, hawfinch.
Location: Novosibirsk region, Maslyaninsky district, southward of Manuylovo village.
How to get there: the distance between Novosibirsk and Bolotnoye is 130 km by car.
You can take a bus from Novosibirsk Bus Terminal or a train from Novosibirsk-Glavny Railway Station to Bolotnaya station.
You can get from railway station of Bolotnoye to Manuylovo village by bus or by car (20 km).