Museum of the Sun
The Museum of the Sun is the unique and single in the world cultural-and-historical project aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual through immersion into the history and culture of ancient civilizations and peoples who worship the Sun. The museum was created for the purpose of additional education and meeting of the aesthetic needs of visitors.
The museum fund has authentic archaeological artifacts and their copies, such as an ancient sundial (Octactinal colon, 3-4 centuries BC), stones with solar petroglyphs, Egyptian temple statue of the solar goddess Isis, the throne of Tutankhamun, the collection of ritual masks and statues of Inca solar gods. There are historical reconstructions of images, cult and religious attributes, clothing, household items, symbols and images of the Sun of different peoples of the world, there are permanent expositions on Egypt, Hindustan, Nepal, Tibet, Indochina, South America and Mesoamerica, ancient Russia, as well as an information-and-educational complex with audio guides, video presentations and guides developed there in the halls of the Museum of the Sun. Visitors can not only plunge into the sunny atmosphere of the past, making an excursion into history, but also become its accomplices, wearing costumes and images of solar priests, deities, traditional clothing of solar peoples.
The Cultural-and-Historical Museum of the Sun also has exhibits of rock paintings, conducts scientific-and-research work in the study, synthesis and popularization of knowledge about the Sun, Russian solar traditions and beliefs of the peoples of the world.
Location: 1st floor, 165/1 Krasny avenue (metro station "Zayeltsovskaya" is 550 m from the museum), the city of Novosibirsk, 630049.
Work pattern:
Tuesday-Friday: from 10:00 till 19:00
Saturday-Sunday: from 10:00 till 15:00
Monday - day off.