"Eye microsurgery" named after Academician S.N. Fedorov
Novosibirsk Branch of Federal State Autonomous Institution of Interbranch Scientific-and-Technical Complex "Eye microsurgery" named after academician S.N. Fedorov is the largest ophthalmological clinic of the new generation in Western Siberia and has existed since August 1989. Currently, it is one of the leading ophthalmological centers in Siberia and the Far East. Currently, the clinic has a modern high-tech diagnostic, consulting and treatment facilities, equipped with the most effective equipment due to the world standards. The center has 13 specialized departments.
The clinic is equipped with the most modern devices and mechanisms that have no analogues in the Novosibirsk region, and often in Russia too. All diagnostics, treatment and manipulations are carried out with the help of modern drugs, methods and equipment.
Here is not a complete list of types of ophthalmic care provided by the clinic. They include the following ones:
- modern surgical treatment of cataracts using laser, ultrasound due to technology of seamless small incisions;
- early diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma using laser technologies;
- complex treatment of progressive myopia in children, of strabismus;
- the latest technology to correct myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism;
- manipulations on the retina and vitreous body, including in patients with diabetes mellitus;
- treatment of patients with ophthalmoendocrinology pathology.
Manipulations are carried out at the surgery unit, built using the latest technologies. All manipulations are short and painless: after an hour, the patient can get up and move independently.
Doctors of the "Eye microsurgery" are highly qualified specialists who possess both modern international and exclusive, patented methods for diagnosis and treatment of various diseases of the visual organs. This is more than 300 technologies for treatment of ophthalmic diseases using innovative and the most advanced methods existing in the world. The proportion of the new seamless technologies is more than 99%. The application of combined methods using laser technologies stabilizes and restores vision at myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, retinal detachment and other diseases.
The Novosibirsk branch of the Interbranch Scientific-and-Technical Complex "Eye microsurgery" successfully implemented the project of telecommunication medicine, which allowed real-time broadcast of the progress of unique manipulations from the clinic.
The automated electronic program for control of providing diagnostic and medical services, which allows to conduct accurate work on routing of patients (electronic medical history, medical control and control of provision of standard medical care, etc.), works successfully.
Work pattern:
Monday-Thursday: from 8:30 till 17:00
Friday: from 8:30 till 16:00
No lunch
Saturday, Sunday - days off