Бюст А.И. Покрышкина
Aleksandr Ivanovich Pokryshkin (March 6 (19), 1913, the city of Novonikolayevsk - November 13, 1985, the city of Moscow) was the three-time Hero of the Soviet Union, Air Marshal. During the Great Patriotic War, he made 600 flights, participated in 156 air battles, shot down 59 enemy aircraft. He developed techniques of air combat that became an example and the basis of tactical training for all pilots of the air forces.
The project of the monument to the great pilot was commissioned by the laureate of the State prize sculptor M.G. Manizer and the famous Soviet architect I.G. Langbard. On November 7, 1949, at the solemn meeting in the presence of A.I. Pokryshkin this monument was opened. The bust was installed in the Red avenue to the north from Lenina square.
The monument was moved to Sverdlova square in 1981 in connection with the construction of the metro in Lenina square and the reconstruction of the highway. The bust of Marshal Pokryshkin is recognized as the monument of monumental art of federal importance.