Ust-Tarksky Museum of Local History
In 1980 the Museum of Local History of Ust-Tarka Secondary School was opened. The museum is currently represented by four sections such as: hall of "Military Glory", "Peasant's hut", "History of Pioneer and Komsomol Organizations", "Ust-Tarka - yesterday and nowadays".
The orders and medals of the Second World War times, front letters, funerals were placed on the stands of the Hall of "Military Glory". Expositions about participants of significant battles of the Great Patriotic War are presented here. The exposition and the film, created on local material, tells about the participants of the war in Afghanistan. An exposition dedicated to the soldiers of the Chechen campaign has been formed here.
The Hall "Peasant's hut" is represented by household items of ancient times such as: cast iron, hooks, pots, spinning wheels, irons, samovars.
The museum has a small exposition about the guerrilla movement in the district during the formation of Soviet power. The Soviet era is represented by banners and pennants, information on the history of the villages of the district. The room of 60-ies of the XX century is formed here too.
There are stands with coins of the Suzun mint of the XVIII century, ancient icons and much more.
The bones of mammoth are kept here such as: tusks, scapula, spinal bone, tooth, etc.
The museum offers tours, lectures and presentations.
Location: 11 Ivanova ul. (on the basis of the Ust-Tarka House of Children's Creativity), the village of Ust-Tarka (district center), Ust-Tarksky district, Novosibirsk region
How to get there: the distance from the city of Novosibirsk to the village of Ust-Tarka is 520 km by car. One can get from the Novosibirsk bus station (43a Dmitriya Shamshurina ul.) to the village of Ust-Tarka by bus on the route "Novosibirsk-Ust-Tarka".
Working hours:
Monday-Friday: 9:00-17:00
A lunch break is from 13:00 to 14:00
Saturday, Sunday are days off
The work in the evening and on weekends is possible by prior arrangement.
Tel: +7(383-72) 22-721, +7(383-72) 22-837
Photos are provided by MBOU DOD "Ust-Tarka House of Children's Creativity"