Novosibirsk City Drama Theater under the direction of Sergey Afanasev
The Novosibirsk City Drama Theater is a unique example of Novosibirsk author's theater, the founder and artistic director of which throughout its existence is Sergey Nikolaevich Afanasev. The birth date of the Novosibirsk City Drama Theater is considered to be March 20, 1988, when the spectacle "Evening of French Comedy" due to one-act plays of modern French playwrights was staged on the scene of the Novosibirsk House of Actors. For more than a 25-year history of existence, more than 100 performances were staged, which brought the theater the reputation of the "favorite of the city intellectuals".
The highest theater award of the city "Paradise" of the Novosibirsk Branch of the Union of Theatrical Figures of the Russian Federation in the category "Best spectacle of the season" was awarded to the theater 12 times, more than to any other. The creative successes of the Novosibirsk City Drama Theater have been noted both in Russia and abroad. The spectacles are winners of a number of regional, Russian and international festivals.
Location: 19 Vokzalnaya magistral, Novosibirsk city (metro station "Ploshad’ Lenina")
Ticket office operating hours: 11:00-20:00 (every day)
Tel: +7 (383) 222-11-35 (ticket office)
Photos are provided by the Novosibirsk City Drama Theater under the direction of Sergey Afanasev
Photos by Ekaterina Kasterina