Chichaburg Ancient City-Monument
Chichaburg is the archaeological monument in Zdvinsky district of the Novosibirsk region on the shore of the Bolshaya Chicha lake. It is the remains of the large urban settlement with an area of more than 240 thousand m2 of approximately IX-VII centuries BC, the transition period from bronze to iron.
Archaeological excavations were preceded by a geophysical survey of the area. Geophysical surveys revealed that the territory of the settlement is surrounded by powerful defensive fortifications, i.e. ramparts and ditches. The settlement is divided into separate sectors, within which there is a variety of houses and buildings, while each sector, like the whole city, had a clear planned development. Based upon the excavations held and fragments of household utensils found, people of almost European appearance, but of different cultures, lived in each sector. This gives reason to assume that the paths of different peoples crossed in Chichaburg.
On the shore of Chica lake in the Zdvinsky district of the Novosibirsk region, covered with a half-meter layer of earth, an ancient city was hidden for many centuries. The inhabitants left it suddenly, perhaps because of fire, flood, fleeing from the raid of militant neighbors or from a terrible epidemic...
The third excavation was fraught with mystery because ceramic objects found there belonged to another culture, namely Gamayun, characteristic of the Priirtyshye and Zauralye. Many ceramic vessels were found by archaeologists in this "house", dozens of them were intact. It is not yet certain what kind of premises it was, perhaps a trading post, where various tribes came to exchange goods. Perhaps there was a water trade route, i.e. the Chicha lake, located near the Chany lakes, most likely is a continuation of the lake Chany. If we are lucky enough to find any fragments of boats, this hypothesis will be confirmed. It may also be that these items got into the foreign culture as a dowry of the bride from the Priuralye, if there was a connection between the tribes allowing to tie marriage relationships.
In the excavation, located in the most fortified part of the settlement, numerous fragments of small figures, perhaps specially broken, were found. One of the surviving intact figure resembles a lizard with a crest with pronounced male and female sexual characteristics. All this suggests the ritual nature of clay plastics.
What can be said about the people who lived in the settlement? Most likely, they were engaged in hunting, the area was apparently more forested, scattered bones of forest animals such as elk, bear, sable, beaver, as well as the following domestic animals were found: horses, cattle, dogs. Dog was buried, hunters usually had such ritual. As for weapons bone arrowheads, knives were found there. However, the main occupation was undoubtedly cattle breeding.
Besides bone tools reminding sickles were found, and if it is true, the population was engaged in agriculture that will allow to speak about rudiments of the civilization. There was a process of transition from primitive-and-communal to class society in Europe in the 8-7 centuries. It is likely that the monument refers to the time when there was a transition from the primitive-and-communal system to the early class, that is, to the era of military democracy.