Museum "Zayeltsovka"
"Museum of History and Development of Zayeltsovsky district" was founded on August 10, 2007.
It was created for the purpose of:
- implementation of educational, scientific-and-research and educational activities;
- accumulation of museum items and museum collections;
- identification and collection, the study of museum objects and museum collections.
The 3 halls of the permanent exhibition tell about the history of the territory, which will later be called Zayeltsovsky district, about the contribution of Zayeltsovsky district and its inhabitants to the victory in the Great Patriotic War, about the post-war formation and further development of Zayeltsovsky district.
Among the exhibits of the permanent exhibition it is possible to distinguish the following items:
- personal belongings, cast from the hand, death mask of Vladimir Mikhailovich Mysh, the great surgeon from the city of Saint-Petersburg, one of the founders of surgery in the city of Novosibirsk;
- collection of items raised by the museum searchers from the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War;
- car GAZ-67, discovered by a resident of Zayeltsovsky district on the battlefields, restored and transferred to the museum for safekeeping;
- unique household items of residents of the Siberian metropolis of the XX century.
There is an exhibition hall. Exhibitions are updated 1 time per 3 months. The museum has the permanent exhibition "The History of the district through the history of the car".
In addition to traditional excursions, the museum conducts walking tours, visiting correspondence tours for various groups of visitors. There is lecture hall. Master-classes in different areas of decorative and applied art are regularly held.
It is a branch of The Museum of Novosibirsk.
Location: 179 Krasniy prospect, Novosibirsk, 1st floor (metro station "Zaeltsovskaya")
Working hours in the winter period:
Tuesday-Friday: 9:00-18:00
Saturday: 9:00-17:30
Sunday, Monday - days off
Working hours in the summer period:
Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-19:00
Saturday: 9:30-18:00
Sunday, Monday - days off
+7(383) 2-000-371