Recreation Facility in the territory of Children's Health-improvement and Educational Camp "Raduga"
The recreation facility in the territory of Children's Health-improvement-and-Educational Camp "Raduga" offers a pleasant time with family and friends.
Guests stay in 6 rooms of the hotel: there are four 5-seater rooms, two 10-seater rooms. Shared shower and sanitary conveniences. There is TV in the room intended for 5 people.
The infrastructure is as follows: sauna, swimming pool, summer house, banquet hall, buffet, winter ski rental and "snow tubes" (at rental one must present a personal identification document). The rental is open daily from 11:00 till 16:00.
Location: the village of Sushzavod, Cherepanovsky district, Novosibirsk region, 633542
2 Zavodskaya str. (Children's Health-improvement-and-Education Camp "Rainbow")
How to get there: the distance from the city of Cherepanovo (the administrative center of the Cherepanovsky district) to the recreation facility is 12 km by car, the distance from the city of Novosibirsk to the recreation facility is 117 km by car.
One can get to the city of Cherepanovo by electric train on the route "Novosibirsk-Main-Cherepanovo". One can get from the Novosibirsk bus station (4 Krasny avenue) to the city of Cherepanovo by bus on the route "Novosibirsk-Maslyanino". One can get from the city of Cherepanovo to the recreation facility by own car (12 km).
Work pattern: all year round