Детский оздоровительный лагерь «Дзержинец»
The State Autonomous Institution of Additional Education of the Novosibirsk region "Children's Health-Improvement Camp "Dzerzhinets".
The Children's Health-Improvement Camp "Dzerzhinets" is located in the mixed forest, in the territory of 10.2 ha.
There are eight brick 1-storeyed buildings with veranda and sanitary-and-hygienic blocks equipped with hot and cold water there in the territory of the camp. They include the following items: showers, sanitary conveniences, sinks for washing. Each building has 4-6 rooms with accommodation for up to 7-12 people.
Each child has an opportunity to visit the studio of additional education during the summer health-improvement season. The studio includes the following items: dance, theater, vocal, arts-and-crafts, as well as master-classes in journalism and video editing.
Food is balanced, five times a day, taking into account the physiological needs of a growing body. The diet necessarily includes meat, fish dishes, as well as salads, fresh vegetables, herbs for children's choice. Children have dairy dishes, baked puddings, cottage cheese, egg dishes for breakfast. They have fruits, juices, and pastries for afternoon snack. There are coolers with clean drinking water in each residential building.
Location: 8 Rechkunovka recreation area, the city of Berdsk, Novosibirsk region, 633000.
How to get there: 35 km from the center of the city of Novosibirsk, 3.5 km from the highway Novosibirsk-Barnaul.
From the city of Novosibirsk: from the metro station "River-port" to the village of Novy there is route taxi No. 321, 322, and then the transfer at the stop "The settlement of Novy" to the route taxi No. 19 up to turn to the Children's Health-Improvement Camp "Dzerzhinets". From the railway station "Novosibirsk-Main" or "River-port" by electric train to the station "Beregovaya" and route taxi No. 19 to turn to the Children's Health-Improvement Camp "Dzerzhinets". From the city of Berdsk from the stop "City Palace of Culture" there is route taxi No. 19 to the turn to the Children's Health-Improvement Camp "Dzerzhinets".
Representation in the city: 107 office, 6 house, Serebrennikovaya str., the city of Novosibirsk
Work pattern: Monday-Thursday from 9:00 till 18:00, Friday from 9:00 till 17:00
Single multi-channel telephone number: 8 (383) 399-01-31
E-mail: mail@doldz.ru
Official web-page: doldz.ru
Group in Vkontakte: vk.com/dol_dzerginec
Instagram page: instagram.com/dzerghinec_lager/?hl=ruи