Центр социальной поддержки молодежи и юношества им. К.С. Заслонова
The Center for Social Support of Young People and Youth named after K.S. Zaslonov is one of year-round action and is located in the pine forest of Zayeltsovsky park, a ten-minute drive from the center of the city of Novosibirsk. The territory of the center comprises more than 13 hectares.
Accommodation in five comfortable sleeping buildings is available.
At your child's service are the following items:
sports grounds;
tennis court;
year-round indoor swimming pool;
daily entertainment program, disco with the use of new technologies, acoustic and lighting systems.
During the holidays, there is laboratory of young geniuses, press center, makeup studio, film club, break-dance school, theater studio, where real actors of one of the Novosibirsk theaters work.
Contact information:
21, 91 perekat str., the city of Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region, Russia, 630123.
tel.+7(383) 229-55-57, +7(383) 229-23-14.
E-mail: zaslonova2011@mail.ru.
Web-page: www.zaslonovgrad.ru.
Group in Vkontakte: vk.com/zaslonovgrad.