Гостиница «Постоялый двор»
The Hotel "Postoyalyi dvor" is located in the center of the city of Tatarsk. Guests are accommodated at 16 rooms: there are single, double and triple rooms. The accommodation rate can include the rate for breakfast, lunch, and supper upon the request of the guest.
The hotel web-site allows getting introduced to the price list for services. Check-out time: 12 o'clock of local time.
One can have meal at the cafe "Patio", located on the first floor of the hotel. The cafe is open from 07:30 till 23:30.
It offers sauna on the ground floor of the hotel, next to the cafe "Patio".
Location: 2 Svetlansky lane, the city of Tatarsk (administrative center), Tatarsky district, Novosibirsk region, 632122
How to get there: the distance from the city of Novosibirsk to the city of Tatarsk is 470 km by car. One can get from the Novosibirsk bus station (4 Krasny avenue) to the city of Tatarsk by bus on the route "Novosibirsk-Ust-Tarka". One can get from the railway station "Novosibirsk-Main" (43 Dmitriya Shamshurina str.) to the railway station "Tatarskaya" by train.
Work pattern: around the clock