Novosibirsk Jewish Community Cultural Center "Beit Menakhem"
The Novosibirsk Jewish Community Cultural Center "Beit Menachem" includes library, kosher restaurant and kosher food store, children's development center, sports complex, festive hall and charity canteen and – for the first time in the last 80 years - synagogue. Construction of the center lasted for 13 years with breaks, and for the last 7 years quite actively. The total area of the center is 3.4 thousand sq.m., the synagogue occupies 250 sq.m.
The synagogue is the main institution of the Jewish religion, namely Judaism after the destruction of the temple of Jerusalem by the Romans (in 70 ad) and the beginning of the two-thousand-year dispersion of the people. It is an institution and premises that serves as a place for public prayer, Scripture study, and center for self-government for the religious community.
The most sacred objects in the synagogue are Sefer Torah. Such sefers are made of animal skins, connected together so that a roll of parchment is obtained. The Five Books of Moses is written on such parchment in vertical columns.
The opening ceremony of the Center "Beit Menakhem", which took place in August 2013, was attended by Chief Rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar. The center was named “Beit Menachem” in honor of the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Work pattern:
Monday-Thursday: from 9:00 till 18:00 without lunch
Friday: from 10:00 till 17:00 without lunch
Sunday: from 10:00 till 17:00 without lunch
Saturday - day off